Stand UBC

Welcome to the blog for the UBC Chapter of Stand Canada.  

Stand Canada is the leading national youth-based organization dedicated to inspiring activism and advocacy addressing genocide.

21 September 2009

Clubs days are coming up!!!

This is a great opportunity to contribute to the club and spread the word about genocide in Darfur. It's also a great way to meet lots of interesting people and to practice speaking in public. Clubs days are the 23rd, 24th, and 25th (this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and STAND will be tabling like crazy so we really need help! To sign up go to and put your name down in a convenient time slot.

11 September 2009

Get involved and take a stand for Darfur

Are you a new member of STAND looking for a way to get involved? Come out and VOLUNTEER! With the beginning of a new school year and our upcoming Firewood Run we have plenty of opportunities available, with different levels of commitment. Positions include Firewood Run Volunteer (come help out on the day of the race), Rec Representative, Fundraising, Journalism, Media/Promotions, Clubs Liaison, and Sustainability Coordination. These are great opportunities to meet fun, new people and to take action for Darfur. If you're interested in one of the positions or just want to know more please contact us by email or come out to the next meeting.