Stand UBC

Welcome to the blog for the UBC Chapter of Stand Canada.  

Stand Canada is the leading national youth-based organization dedicated to inspiring activism and advocacy addressing genocide.

20 February 2008

Darfur Now showing at SFU Harbor Centre!

Amnesty International Canada is showing Darfur Now at SFU Harbor Centre, Room 1700, on February 29th. It will be playing from 6 to 9pm, and the suggested entry donation is $5.

This is a great movie showing what's being done to help solve the crisis in Darfur; I really recommend seeing it if you haven't yet.

There will also be panel discussions after the showing of Darfur Now, and prizes, but it is first come first served seating, so get there on time! ~_^

- Cait

02 February 2008

Club Days Monday and Tuesday

STAND:UBC is at the SUB this Monday and Tuesday (Feb 4&5)!

What's going on:

- T-shirt selling (look below for a pic): $15/members, $18/non-members
- Petitions
- Postcard-writing campaign
- General info about what we're doing this year!

We're gonna be there from 9am-4pm on Monday and 8am-4pm on Tuesday.

See you there :)

- Cait